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  • テラダモケイについて
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  • 1/100建築模型用添景セット No.101 日本神話編 天孫降臨から大和平定まで
  • 1/100建築模型用添景セット No.100 深海の闘い編
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  • 寺田模型店
  • よく飛ぶ紙飛行機便箋
  • FJ × イドウテラダモケイ店

Would you like to submit your photo ?

Would you like the picture of your MODEL to be posted on our website? The world of little people will look expressive when captured on film. At TERADA MOKEI, we will select and post the best of your pictures on our website. You can submit pictures of your works of all kinds by shooting your ARCHITECTURAL MODEL ACCESSORIES SERIES, miniature houses used for business presentations, school projects created as homework, ARCHITECTURAL MODEL ACCESSORIES SERIES used uniquely etc.

About photographing
A highly realistic sensation is possible to achieve if you engage in macro photography from a low angle as if you were a resident of the miniature world of architectural models. An unexpected effect may be attained if you can devise an effective way of handling the background.

About the photos submitted

Please submit photos of your own work. You may freely arrange the photo structure provided the subject is an ARCHITECTURAL MODEL ACCESSORIES SERIES.

About submission
Please submit a photo by observing the following format.
Inform us of the following data by emailing to the address "" with a photo attached.

・Age (Not disclosed)
・Occupation (Not disclosed)
・Kit you used
・Photo (W: 1168 pixels × H: arbitrary)
・Comment on your work (Approx. 100 characters)

・If you patch photos as background, please be careful of copyright issues.
・Please refrain from indicating any website address, email address or other text on the image.
・The best pictures will be posted on our website through fair and impartial screening. Please understand that we may reject works posted with certain characteristics.