お住まい China
使用キット No.72
Title:Make the model more lifelike
The No. 072 Supermarket Checkout is a gift from my friend after his trip to Japan. It is also the first time I made Terada Mokei. The reason why I like Terada Mokei is because the Terada Mokei can restore our life very vividly. When making the model, I tried to add more creative ideas, such as a couple who bought a box of seafood, a fat man who bought a lot of snacks and drinks, a mother who only bought healthy food, and a little boy who attracted by the shelves. You can also find interesting ideas among the people in the queue.I always think, the more vivid the scene, the more stories you can tell, and a more interesting process you will get.
No.072 スーパーのレジ編は日本に旅行した友達のお土産でした。もちろんこれが初めてのテラダモケイでした。なぜテラダモケイの興味を持ったかというとテラダモケイは日常生活を引き立てて表現できるからです。テラダモケイを組み立てる時は、たとえば、カップルが箱入りのシーフードを買う場面とか、太った男の人がたくさんお菓子とドリンクを買うとか、お母さんがヘルシーな食材ばかり選んでるとか、それからちっちゃな男の子が棚に見入っている様子とか、新しいアイデアを盛り込もうといろいろ考えます。あなたもスーパーのレジの列に並んでいる人々から面白いアイデアを見つけることができると思います。もっと面白いシーン、もっと面白いストーリーを考えることで、模型を制作することがもっと面白くなると思います。
Message from Naoki TERADA
Thank you very much for wonderful and amazing images from China!
TeradaMokei team is very much impressed. And I am surprised that it is first TeradaMokei for you. I believe you must have a very fine hand and eye.
Yes, as you mentioned, TeradaMokei meant be not only construct the paper model. TeradaMokei is tool for enhance your observation and imagination. And I believe it is fun! While you are queuing at supermarkets, or walking a street, or waiting a train at station, or anything daily life, it makes you more vivid.
I am really grad that we have my friend who understand our concept in China. 謝謝!